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Sunday 7th October 2012

Figure it out

I really don’t get you right now. One moment you seem like your head over heals for me and then the next you just wanna be my friend. I even told you I liked you. You held my hand and you kissed me,all I want is you. I don’t know what’s going on in that [..more..]

STW#9584 | Be the First to Comment | on October 7, 2012 - 4:41 pm - Uncategorized - by


Tonight I might cut for the second time, there’s no scars from my first time..I’m going to be 12 on the 24th…Last time I cut I actually posted here. I’m not sad…or mad…I just feel something deep down inside of me aching to get out. I just feel like it’s the boy i’ LOVE with. [..more..]

STW#9583 | 3 Comments | on October 7, 2012 - 2:51 pm - Uncategorized - by

Take Control…but how?

I’m hoping to do a better job of opening myself to loving myself and trying to accept myself. I think I treat myself pretty damn s***ty. I allow myself to settle far to often. I really do want more for myself. I just allow myself to get caught up on things in my past. I [..more..]

STW#9582 | Be the First to Comment | on October 7, 2012 - 12:37 pm - Uncategorized - by

I am in love with my teacher

It’s not just a crush. 3 years is long enough for me to know that I’m madly and uncontrollably in love with my teacher. She’s beautiful inside and out and even though I know the love will never be returned but I can’t help but feel like this. Her smile absolutely melts me and sometimes [..more..]

STW#9581 | Be the First to Comment | on October 7, 2012 - 11:18 am - Uncategorized - by


yo yo yo

STW#9580 | Be the First to Comment | on October 7, 2012 - 11:11 am - Uncategorized - by

Im sorry i made a mistake:(

I have a friend called Angelina and she just came to the school this year.she dated one of the most popular boys who is known as a player he is called Cameron. But i didnt know angelina at this time and i had a crush on angelina. While they were dating, but they were never [..more..]

STW#9579 | 2 Comments | on October 7, 2012 - 8:48 am - Friends - by

I have a fear of trust

Basicly i think everyone is against me that any moment now my friends will be like we dont like you leave us alone and i will be alone forever. I feel like everyone secretly hates me and that everyone is using me and pretending. I know i am a bit of a stand ofish person, [..more..]

STW#9578 | 1 Comment | on October 7, 2012 - 8:27 am - Uncategorized - by

where am i going?

my life is fuked up, i am a fuked up child. Ive had a scary life whre i have suffered alot of pain. I felt depressd and alone so I turned to alcohol and drugs im only 14, ive gotten high and done black mamba, and i smoke. Im failing my grades and dont know [..more..]

STW#9577 | Be the First to Comment | on October 7, 2012 - 8:17 am - Uncategorized - by

A Mistake :/

well it all started last year ! it was a mistake but i didin’t kew i was in LOVE i guess :/ ! So there’s this boy and i realy like him but he was dating another girl ! any was it all started with a joke an than one day he kissed me well [..more..]

STW#9576 | 1 Comment | on October 7, 2012 - 7:58 am - Friends - by


So i’ve been friends with this guy for about 7 years. Some would say best friends. But, occasionally, I look at our relationship and think…what the f*** am I doing? He constantly walks all over me and makes me feel bad for the things that I do. He is a control freak and hates it [..more..]

STW#9575 | Be the First to Comment | on October 7, 2012 - 1:18 am - Friends - by