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Donations keep this site alive

This site is run based on donations. Originally it used Google Adsense to fund the site. Sadly due to the content posted on the site, the ads became involation of the Adsense Terms of Service.

A few attempts have been made to keep the site compliant, such as sensoring swear words, etc. However the content has now triggered Adsense violations so all ads have been removed.

To run this site costs over $200 AUD a year, so if you want to see this site stay online, click the button below and consider donating $1 or two, every little bit helps, the more that’s donated, the more effort that will be invested into this site!

Donations to date

A big thankyou to all that have donated to help support this site. Below is a list of all donations received.

13/Nov/2020$9.00 USD
08/Apr/2021$4.00 USD