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Sunday 26th February 2012


I have a great body, and it sometimes makes me feel like a know-nothing jackass. I have never thought of killing myself or self-harming. I hardly gain a pound after eating a ton, and I can lose weight much easier than most people. I truly am completely content with how I look. But then I [..more..]

STW#4316 | 1 Comment | on February 26, 2012 - 7:42 pm - Friends - by
Saturday 5th November 2011


Confined. I feel like my friends are shoving all their problems on my shoulders and the weight is killing me! They cause so much drama even though they say they hate it, and the stress makes it so that there’s no space for me to breath. They ask for advice, yet if I don’t tell [..more..]

STW#2138 | Be the First to Comment | on November 5, 2011 - 8:54 am - Friends - by
Tuesday 20th September 2011


so here goes. i assume no one will read this, but if at least one person does ill feel better. everyone knows about the “pressure to be perfect” but i take it further. if i see an imperfection in myself i just have to keep at it until its gone. im 14 years old, 8 [..more..]

STW#1465 | 3 Comments | on September 20, 2011 - 8:28 am - Uncategorized - by
Thursday 2nd June 2011

I have also never gone to a party or done anything social,,high school was wake up, go to school, go to class and never talked to any one unless they talked to me, maybe sleep on desk but never slept, recess break,,and for the first few years i stayed in the toilet too scared to [..more..]

STW#516 | 1 Comment | on June 2, 2011 - 1:28 am - Uncategorized - by
Thursday 17th March 2011

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to loose weight?

STW#328 | Be the First to Comment | on March 17, 2011 - 5:52 pm - Uncategorized - by
Tuesday 1st February 2011

i wish you would just shut up about your weight. everyone knows you are skinny, we are all aware of that without you going on about it all the time. “and everyone keeps saying i should put weight on” etc etc. and i’m just SO SICK OF IT. and dont tell me that i’m not [..more..]

STW#237 | Be the First to Comment | on February 1, 2011 - 11:24 am - Uncategorized - by
Tuesday 18th January 2011

Somebody get this fat f*** off my couch. If I were to voice my complaint, I’d be paying far too high of a cost, socially. However, him spending 16+ hours a day occupying the sole piece of comfortable furniture is starting to prevent me from getting any good reading time in, and his massive weight [..more..]

STW#207 | Be the First to Comment | on January 18, 2011 - 7:10 pm - Uncategorized - by