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Thursday 31st December 2020


When someone you love dies you should cry it is the only thing you really do for months you just lay in bed and cry after a couple months you start self care up again and feed yourself something other than ice cream and you wonder what it's like to be dead.

STW#50101 | Be the First to Comment | on December 31, 2020 - 4:45 pm - Life - by

Something I guess

As I sit on my beanbag chair I think over the past year the past events and realize that life isn't as bad as it seems. The eager feeling inside me for socialization is almost unbearable the feeling of just taking of my mask and hugging my friends and family dwells deep inside me like [..more..]

STW#50099 | Be the First to Comment | on December 31, 2020 - 4:21 pm - Life - by
Wednesday 30th December 2020


Sống ở Sing đắt vcl, chưa kể tiền bảo hiểm, tháng đã tốn của mình $1200 cho basic expenses, đèo bòng thêm chồng con là thêm $500 nữa, là $1700, thêm tiền nợ và bảo hiểm khoảng $500 nữa là $2200. Tháng mình kiếm đc $3400, trừ chỗ tiêu pha đi là còn lại $1200 [..more..]

STW#50097 | Be the First to Comment | on December 30, 2020 - 5:14 pm - Life - by
Tuesday 29th December 2020


Dust in the wind

STW#50094 | Be the First to Comment | on December 29, 2020 - 5:09 pm - Life - by


Dust in the wind

STW#50093 | Be the First to Comment | on December 29, 2020 - 5:09 pm - Life - by

Mots en lien avec cours d’AS 2

Différence juridique vs judiciaire: Juridique: désigne ce qui est en lien avec le droit VS judicaire: désigne ce qui est en lien avec la justice, les tribunaux/procès Discours lénifiant: Discours apaisant Ipso facto: Par le fait même Entériner: Rendre valide en ratifiant de façon juridique (ou simplement admettre/approuver) Paroxystique: Caractère de ce qui présente ou [..more..]

STW#50092 | 1 Comment | on December 29, 2020 - 8:36 am - Life - by
Monday 28th December 2020

I honestly hate most people idk why I try and act like I don’t

You deserve to be locked in a small room with a giant smelly fart. You deserve to have your intestines made into a home for fire ants. When walking though the forest you should use honey as sunscreen. Scrub your scrotum with sandpaper the next time you shower. Eat glass

STW#50091 | Be the First to Comment | on December 28, 2020 - 5:33 pm - Life - by

I’m so f***ing hurt

I’m hurt because people are deceitful. I’m hurt because I’ve been lied to. I’m hurt because I feel used. I’m hurt because my personal space and feelings have been exploited many times by people that don’t fess up to it. I’m hurt because people only see the wrongs done to them but never the many [..more..]

STW#50089 | Be the First to Comment | on December 28, 2020 - 4:07 pm - Life - by


The pants I’m wearing are too short it’s time to give them away

STW#50087 | 1 Comment | on December 28, 2020 - 5:30 am - Life - by


I’m at my families Christmas event and my cousins boyfriend is wearing a shirt very similar to mine …

STW#50086 | Be the First to Comment | on December 28, 2020 - 5:29 am - Life - by