Love Work Family Friends Games Kids Life
Sunday 31st July 2011


so this girl moved into a new neighborhood and met her brothers bestfriends sister and they are now really close friends, a few weeks later her sister and the girl were over at the girls bestfriends house and the neighbors from across the street that the girl never met introduced them selves the oldest was [..more..]

STW#847 | 2 Comments | on July 31, 2011 - 5:34 pm - Uncategorized - by
Tuesday 26th July 2011


most of the time i feel i do not belong in my family. my parent’s treat me differently because there are three children…, my older sister and my older brother. they treat my brother so great because he is the only boy, they treat my sister so super, super great because she the oldest child [..more..]

STW#769 | 1 Comment | on July 26, 2011 - 11:02 am - Uncategorized - by