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Saturday 10th November 2012

socially disfunctional

i’m socially disfunctional. so is my wife. ack. oxymoron. if i’m socially inept, how can i be married. easy. that’s actually the answer. it’s easier to be married than not to be. yeah. that pretty much defines my social disfunction. i have a real hard time with introductions. i cannot initiate a conversation. i’m fully [..more..]

STW#9836 | Be the First to Comment | on November 10, 2012 - 12:50 am - Uncategorized - by
Thursday 8th September 2011


Do you ever find yourself just wondering what’s next in your life. You look around you. You have lots of things but your just not happy. Family, friends, possessions. But you just don’t feel like you belong in this world. You find your life to be in a rut, going no where. You claim your [..more..]

STW#1349 | Be the First to Comment | on September 8, 2011 - 10:44 pm - Uncategorized - by