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Posted by on 2012/05/26 under Uncategorized

I feel so worthless, this life has done nothing but damaged who I was. I was a very innocent, young, beautiful, open-hearted girl you would ever see. Now I have the worst attitude. I’m depressed, my grades are dropping, my absences been up for awhile. I’ve been hurt so much, I don’t really feel it, but I know how it feels. So, I cry. My life has been nothing but a waste of time. Someone else could have this life, and be a somebody. And I’m stuck here, being forced to stay here. And I’m only 14. I shouldn’t have the thought of killing myself or any 14 year old should think of, at such a young age. And to every girl out there, who thinks they aren’t anything, yes you are. You are the most beatuiful thing on this earth.

One thought on “26-05-12(7:20:56)

  1. Kamilla says:

    I believe you are telling yourself what you need to hear: YES, YOU ARE SOMETHING – THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL ON THIS EARTH!
    Life is not always easy, but hearing this when you are sad or depressed does´t always help. If you´d like to talk about it more, I would love to have a conversation with you here?
    If not, then I have something to tell you:
    Dream big! If anyone tells you you CAN´T do something, don´t you dare believe them, because you CAN! There is a saying that says: “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says i´m possible, ” and that saying could not be more true.
    Believe in yourself. Believe that you are worthy, believe that you are talented, believe that you are gifted and believe that you are loved. For you are.
    Life is filled with choices, and even if it does´t seem like it right now, you have the ability to choose at all times. You might not be able to choose when your bedtime is, or how long you get to stay out for, but you can choose to be free in your heart. You can choose to express yourself. And you can choose to dream. These are things no one can take away from you. If you are religious or believe that there is something else out there, you can pray. Talk to God/Allah/The Universe/Angels, whatever you may believe in, but express yourself freely and do not limit yourself.
    “Your playing small, does not serve the world” – never forget that, but always remember… Everything you do, do it from your heart.

    Love from me.

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