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Posted by on 2019/12/12 under Life

I believe I can achieve great things, I hope I can achieve great things. The environment I've grown in tells me no, the environment I live in echoes "do you think anyone like us can?". I tell myself "what is it that makes you any better?" "why do you have a chance?" "it's not like you deserve it." Yet there is the idealist within that does think I have a chance. I want out of this selfish life! Let me go out and help others, I may not be especially remarkable compared to others, I may not even be as hard working. But, for once I have this fire within me which tells me I must. But, what if I fail? What if I end up in some mediocre job and wither away, what if the world uses me up and all the passion disappears. What if I can't do it? What if my skills aren't good enough, what if I am not creative enough, what if I am not smart enough, what if I can't articulate well enough? what if, what if what if! I wish I could just say "who cares about the what if" I wish I could. I wish I had the opportunities of others, I wish. But, I don't. I have more than others, I should try for those who can't. But, I'm weighed down, by all the what ifs. The questions and the fear. I wish I could shake if pretend the cloud does not loom over. I wish I believed in me. I am not the only one I know, and this is sadder. I wish someone believed in us all. Unconditional belief. We wish, so its up to us. It is ourself who must but when the world tells us no, how can we? They tell us no, and no again, laugh in our face as we try like fools. And, we begin to believe it. And, so we must overcome it. We must do what we fear and take the chances to prove to ourselves we can. But, to overcome this fear or at least ignore it for a second… how? How do I get the motivation? How?

One thought on “doubt

  1. Anonymous says:

    Starving, Freezing,and other ENVIRONMENT elements are good motivations as to try harder.

    Maybe SOCIETY and INDUSTRY will help provide you shelter from the ENVIRONMENT that you seek to overcome.

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