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Posted by on 2013/03/19 under Uncategorized

I started working at a small minority business in January. At the time, it seemed like a great opportunity. As time as passed, I find myself loathing the job. I am only supposed to work 4 days a week, but my boss wants me to come in on Fridays. She talks so much about things that aren’t pertinent to the job, to the point that I end up staying late and HAVING to work Fridays. If this office was more efficient, I would only be working what I was told during the interview. She is unable to formulate a complete thought and babbles on until she makes sense of what she is looking for. She interrupts me at least 25 times a day with new tasks that she wants me to do, that SHE could easily complete herself in 30 seconds (ie, making a label for a file). She wants to proof every single email I send out, so that takes even longer to accomplish that task. She waits until the last minute to do things, she has informed me that I cannot scan documents with the cover on the copier up because it’s putting out harmful things into the air -___-….I have spoken to her 2 weeks ago, about making a list of things she wants me to do, instead of interrupting me throughout the entire day, by calling my name. I told her, it would be helpful for me, if she could just set aside an hour or two for us to sit down and meet about things on a daily basis. She hasn’t tried either of those suggestions. I feel like I am walking on eggshells and on pins and needles at this little business, where there are only 4 of us in the office. I feel like I can’t complete my own tasks. I hate when she asks me to pull a report from our accounting system and she proceeds to sit right next to me while I do it…Why couldn’t she have just done it herself so I could finish what I’m working on? She knows the system too! I dread going to this job. I have begun to feel physically ill everyday that I have to go. I am stressed. I am not sleeping well. I am depressed. I am crying ridiculous amounts. I have started pulling my eyelashes out again, and I ONLY do that when I am stressed beyond all belief. I need to move on. Yes, I have tried to see the positive and tried to imagine if I can stick this out, but I truly don’t believe I can. I understand and I am thankful to even have a job, but not when it’s starting to take a toll on my health, and my mental and emotional state.

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