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Posted by on 2019/12/13 under Life

im at school and trust me i do not like it here i wish i could leave. hello im 15 yaers old in not gonna say my name but i go to northside highschool in fort worth texas. yes i live in texaskinda weird that texas weather i being trippy i nedd help beacuse i hate people like who said i wanted to be human i really just wanna go home and sleep i hate people here especially my 6th period i literaly for real have no friends cuz i know that friend will always be fake so im not trying to make new ones

One thought on “idk

  1. Anonymous says:

    My poor Son/Daughter of a failed societies future.

    No matter what school and no matter what the other kids are like, you really need to change your attitude and I AM TELLING YOU TO (NOT ASKING OR SUGGESTING) focus on your education.

    You are 15 years old and don’t have a choice in the matter or what you WANT TO DO! Your parents (I HOPE TO GOD) should be guiding you and you need to listen to them rather than copping this crap ass attitued you have proclaimed. Not to badger you, but even your 1 paragraph comment above lacks the proper structure of a comprehensive sentence or statement. In short, It sounds like you have a the capacity of a 2nd grade education at best. Up your game, focus on learning, if you have friends that are pulling you down due to the group you hang out with, makes some new friends that inspire you to better yourself and education, better grades, better attitude, etc.

    You might have a point about certain friends being fake as all of you are young and trying to find yourselves. Many of children your age are inspired by TV, Movies, and rap crap, which is not a reality. Still it influences you to try to act like them…but its an act!!!!!. In other words, all your friends are trying to be that cool character they admire or a mix of several of them….aka fake. Even brainwashed adults (loosers) do this. so you cant let that fake crap excuse get in your way of being the best YOU CAN BE. It might be cool that you like to rap or act like a gangster to some people in the slums, but that crap will not help you in life to get a job, nor does it make you a rock/rap star. Out of the millions who rap/sing/etc only a hand full actually put food on the table at the end of the day.
    But cha nedz tuh wok on dat spelling and worden a simple setance structure, otherwise USE YOUR BRAIN else people will just think you stupid and lack a brain; it sounds like something you expect to hear from a drunk bum, crack head, or mental retard. sorry but that is a fact.

    So your lazy and just want to go home and lay in bed all day? MEEEE TOOOO! But you better put on a pair of depends underwear so you can pee and crap in them and wont even have to get out of bed. The whole world would love to go home and lay in bed, do what they want…, but you will find that this attitude will effect your later life. You want a bed to lay in, a house to put the bed in, a TV to watch, electricity, food, maybe even clothes to wear??????
    YOU cant just go home and lay in bed, lay on your azz and sleep…IF YOU WANT TO LIVE.

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