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Posted by on 2019/10/31 under Life

Midnight ''What's the matter with you, boy? You smpid orjust dumb. I'm jus' trying to
make some conversation. I didn't pick you up 'cuz I'm somef***ing taxi cab."
l'Mentira, mentiro. You don't love me anymore."
Ben continued to stare, but thell thought bett6J' ofIt, alldfinally managed to ask
He openedfirst One eye and then the other. The lesbialls were aI it again. The the driver to repeal the question.
dorm rooms had no soundproofing and he could hear everything thai happened
on his floor. The women in the room next to his had a new girlfriend and he "Jesus H. Christl I bet you're olle of 'em addled-brain crack cocaille addicts.
heard them through the wall-the headboard bumping, the bed squeaking, the DOlI't you kllow thai stuff will fry your brains llke SOme jumbo egg,< 0/1 an
womell moanillg, alld especially their healed tlJlIUmellts. overheated skillet. I jus' wanna know whyyou're all ckcked out III black. "

He tried to drag his body out of bed but barely mall aged to stalld upright. He Bell looked aI the driver long and hard andfinally said, "J' … um, I wear black
rubbed the sleepilless out ofhis eyes and reached over to dial the olle lIumber he because," hepaused alld repeated something he had read, "It makes thefallook
knew by heart. III the middle of the secolld ring, tll4, t(lephone was abruptly tltill alld thepoor look ricl."
answered. '
1:00 a.m.
Breakingfree, the stranger looked thoughtfully atAlldrew. "That was very Illce, "
Doug had a stupid grill 011 hisface. 17lls was so simple. He wishedAndrew was he began, "and I'm sure you are to, but shouldn't you at least tell m' your
here to watch. He had met a cute kid, bought him a drink and introduced name?"
himself. Channlllg him was easy. He leamed the boy's name (Ted), his age
(23), and what lie didfor a living (student, lived with ex-lover). Doug had told ''I'm Andrew." He flashed the boy one of his most engaging smiles, ''I'm sorry,
him, 1I0thlllg of real cOllsequence but instead had filled his ears with J' just couldn't help myself." He kept beaming at the boy as if he had just
ellcouragement and compliments. discovered the most deliciousflavor of ice cream.
set out 0/sight of Kika, or he might be stuck with him later that evening. He
Dennis thought he was not good looking but others certalllly did. Bell had elided turned to a group 0/people talking, he thought lie remembered meetillg some of
up with guys who had originally gone after hisfriend and wellt with him only
them at aparty and tried to set involved in their conversation.
after realizing thai they weren't going to get anywhere witll Dellnls. After all, Ben
had told them, a warm body was betler than sleeping alone.
"1 call't believe It, I just can't believe it" said one,

He opened his closet door and started pulling clothes On. He was ill nO hurry
"Well, Was Is It you can't believe, girlene. Don't just flap your gums, speakl"
to get anywhere but wanted to catch the last train and couldn't afford to waste
exhorted the most outrageously dressed of the bWlch. Ben couldn't remember
any more time. He knew he would end up In a strange place tonight no matler
tileif' /lQ/lles, but thought aile of them was called Gouda or Colby or some such
where he went or what time he showed up. thing.

12:45 a.m. ''I was telling myfirst boyfriend, you know him-Bobby? the one with the big …
muscles. Well, 1ran in to him and was telling him myfuture plans, how thepre-
Wedllesday night's "date" (as he usually thought of tllem) drew IIcarer alld operatloll stuff was goillg, and al~ and he just got all madfor 110 reason, no
Andrew couldn't help noticillg that he was 1I0t a verypretty man. He tumed to reason aI al~ and do you know what he said. You WO/I't believe what he sald
the guy he'd been making small talk 'With and shIck his tongue in his mouth. to me."
Out of heavily lidded eyes, he saw Mr. Wednesday Night look at him strallgely
but at leasi hefinally moved away. "Girlfriend, at the rate you be telling tllis story it will be Saturday momillg and
we'll be plckillg pubic halrs out of teeth tillyou get around tofinishing. "
12:45 a.m.
''He said, he said to me," she pausedfor dramatic effect, "he said that ifhe heard
A red tnlckpUlled up to the comer as Ben was hugging himselffor the third time, the word glamour one more time he was going to scream. "
rubbillg his arms and hands, trying to keep wann, The driver flashed his
headlights at him and shouted, ''Hey kid, what the f*** are you doing out in Bell tumed around so they wouldn't see him laugh and decided he better hide in
1I0thillg but a tee shirt? Crazy kid! Shilltl" He reached over to open the the bathroom.
passenger door and told Ben to hop in.

He stood there, with his d*** sticking out of hisjeOlls, /lying topee but didn't feel Andrew was nervous about the tum the con:'Jls~…m had taken and even forgot
the need to. The guy who had waiked in, a tall, lanky boy, stood right next to to play hostess. By the time their breakfast was served, however, hefOUlld that
him, andpeed a bng, brightyellow stream; he seemed to bepeeing forever. Ben he was very relaxed and even laughing out loud. These guys have a great sense
realized he was being eyed by this stranger. After a few more minutes, in an of humor, he thought. He found them both funny andfun, not at all what he
almostjoking tone, the ~y asked ifBen was pee shy. The boy slowly explained expected "activists" to be like.
that he was coming down from acid and the drug aiways made going to the
bathroom difficult. He sLmed his word and 'difficult" came out sounding like 2:25 a.m.
'deffic***'. T 'e other boy burst out laughing and st<llted to pee on Ben Instead
of in tile troueh. !n tur ~ this made Ben laugh … and helped him tofinally pee. Ben didn't recognize this p<llt of town. The cab stopped In front of somebody's
After they bot" ,~l:"""d, the other guy helped Ben clean himself off. house. One ofSteven's friend paid the driver and the car load tumbled out.

2:00 a.m. People mll/ed around thefront door. Every few millutes, tI" door would open
and one or two of them would slip inside the house. After a walt of aboutfifteen
A few were /lying 10 flag dowt!' 'a tax/cab bul mosl of Ihe crowd was miliins minmes, Ben's group managed to work their way Inside, to an tlJlteroom. A
arol/nd, /lyillg to cajolefriends oulfor coffee or 10 Ihe after hours sex club or to young, smiling guy was answering questions, asking for Id's tlJld gellerally
wherever theparty was Illis nighl. Benfound himselfstuck in a conversalioll with appeared to be the person III charge. Ben guessed that this must b, tile after-
Kika. He was a nice guy bUI Ben wanted some excitement and Kika wOl/ld be hours sex club he had heard aboul.
tile last person 10find It with tonlghl. Fortunately, the tall, lanky boy, who had
introduced himself as Stevell, waved him over. He was sitting talkillg to some Someolle brougilt out a wad of bills, which Steven hallded to Ihe doonllall, with
groovy looking boys, so Ben excused himselffrom Kika, telling him they were his

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