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Posted by on 2017/10/06 under Life

Today I was a freaking retard. I went to the subway stop and swiped my card. My school gives out subway cards and I used mine. Then I got on the subway and waited until my stop. When I got off I realized my card wasn’t in my pocket I looked back and debated going back into the train. stupid ass me didn’t go back in and the train LEFT with my card. I’m having a breakdown because I live on 94th and my school is on 61st so it would take me a long time to get to school and I already wake up early enough and I’m dead enough because I have to stay up late with homework. I don’t want to tell the teachers either because I’m scared they’ll hate me forever and yeah. so im screwed.

One thought on “S*** S*** S*** S*** S*** S***

  1. Anonymous says:

    I’m not much good at emotional support but I hope I can help figure out your options.I guess it would be difficult to find the card again considering it was a train. Not sure which country you’re in but you can always try asking for help from the train stations or even the police.
    If the card had your name and address or at least the name of your school on it, there’s a good chance someone might return it but it sounds like you don’t have the luxury of waiting around filled with hope.
    The best thing to do would be to either seek help from a parent, get them to call the school, explain what happened and handle the teachers themselves. Or you can find a student counsellor at school, or just grab your favourite teacher and ask for help.
    You sound like one hell of an introvert but there’s no need to freak out over the idea of talkung to a teacher, specially if you’re simply asking for help. *pats head*
    Anyway I did plenty of painfully awkward stupid s*** at school too, and I try not to recall them. Pretty sure I’ve been in your shoes a few years back cos reading this gave me deja vu. Hopefully you can settle this today itself. And you know… it’s useless worrying about stuff that’s already happened, just figure out how you can control what’s happening. What about this situation do you have control over and how can you fix it, etc,etc.

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