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Thursday 15th August 2013

and then some

Once i’ve always had the feeling of wanting to be with everyone,talking laughing etc..Then one day i realized that being with everyone makes me a part af a target and that made me feel uneasy.Upon discovering something I tried to make something up..a world. It is where i’m free..I know it sounds a bit cliche [..more..]

STW#15065 | Be the First to Comment | on August 15, 2013 - 1:43 pm - Uncategorized - by
Saturday 22nd December 2012

we are family

yeah if I get enough monies I can treat target store and employees I help already some children’s centers so to treat target un yeah but I need to hear killing disappeared and is banned forever yeah trying to manage this moneies correctly and enough leftover to contuine continue on continue on helping everywhere since [..more..]

STW#10292 | Be the First to Comment | on December 22, 2012 - 10:42 am - Uncategorized - by

My Idiot best friend that i want to punch in the face!

My Friend goes to guy after guy! She gets all obsessed over some guy, gets him to fall head over heels for her, they start dating, then 2 days later she dumps them leaving them so heartbroken! Then she’ll like a guy then when they don’t really start liking her back, she stops talking to [..more..]

STW#10289 | Be the First to Comment | on December 22, 2012 - 6:54 am - Friends - by