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Saturday 17th November 2012


Why is it that, after the unforgettable nights talking under the stars, and after telling me i’d have an opportunity to pursue, you turned around and never spoke to me again? There were no kisses, there were no tears, there was only encouragement, friendship, and then nothing. How many times do I look into the [..more..]

STW#9907 | Be the First to Comment | on November 17, 2012 - 3:47 pm - Uncategorized - by
Friday 19th October 2012


This feeling always comes around at times like these. I can’t manage to find anything to do, I let myself down. This choking feeling of despair lingers in my head. In my voice. It’s in my throat, I know it. And I know it’s killing me. At this point, I can hardly bring myself to [..more..]

STW#9667 | Be the First to Comment | on October 19, 2012 - 1:29 pm - Uncategorized - by
Saturday 9th June 2012


I pray that God gives me the opportunity to have a marriage and a love like Dawn and Wes Moore. They are beautiful. They are great mentors. I understand that they probably have their own problems and issues like any marriage/relationship, but they have true love and want to be with each other and feel [..more..]

STW#6715 | Be the First to Comment | on June 9, 2012 - 1:18 pm - Uncategorized - by
Thursday 26th April 2012


Why does it feel like every opportunity is passing me by? if time does move, why am i not moving with it? why do some songs without words say much more than songs with words? life?

STW#5711 | 1 Comment | on April 26, 2012 - 1:11 pm - Uncategorized - by
Monday 27th February 2012


They say you are supposed to slow down every once in a while and just enjoy life, before you lose it. But what if you take too long enjoying it? What is you are genuinely happy and aware of it, and take every opportunity to just take a stroll through the trees? What if your [..more..]

STW#4328 | Be the First to Comment | on February 27, 2012 - 4:57 pm - Uncategorized - by
Friday 1st April 2011

Another night of dreaming of you…another day of thinking of you…thats all my life is is you…. but you are not in my life… I want you to be but that may never happen…pls give us a go… you might just find that this older person has all the answers to your happiness…Dont let this [..more..]

STW#373 | Be the First to Comment | on April 1, 2011 - 7:31 am - Uncategorized - by