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Sunday 10th February 2013

How do i make my dreams come true?

I have always wanted to be a model. Ever since I was very young and I want to make this possible because it would make me the happiest person alive. Just to be able to make my dreams come true. But where do I start? How can I do this? I want to do Victoria’s [..more..]

STW#10912 | Be the First to Comment | on February 10, 2013 - 3:23 am - Uncategorized - by
Monday 7th March 2011

@296- Your heart is as beautiful as your dreams. With a goal like that I’m pretty sure God is with you all the way. I never knew a person so passionate about children. I hope all your dreams come true. As for your true love He will come soon. As soon as you’re ready.:) Good [..more..]

STW#301 | Be the First to Comment | on March 7, 2011 - 9:29 pm - Uncategorized - by