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Posted by on 2017/12/11 under Life

Sometimes I just wish there would be somebody to tell me that everyting is going to be okay!

Don't get me wrong – nothing big has happend. No tragic or hardship. Nothing extreme. It's just, that there are so many little things, that add up.

Hm, I just feel kind of tired at the moment. Everybody wants things from me. They keep pushing me to do things they want. Nobody asks me what I want. Just like it doesn't matter. I always put the things that need to be done first. But this way my wishes are left behind that way. But somebody has to do it or nothing get's done!

They know I have solutions to thier problems. And I really do like to help others. I just feel like I'm so tired of it right now. I just want it to end. Or even just to pause for a few days or weeks.

I want them to understand that I can't and won't do anything for them right now.
I need the time for myself – to recharge my batteries. But they just don't respect that. They only demand more. Not even for a simple weekend. I hate it. I feel sufficated by it.

And there is nobody not a single one, who tells me "It's gonna be okay". Not one who takes the time to help me believe that no matter how hard it sometimes might seem, at some point it's over and it will get better.

Why do I always have to be the one to encourage others. Why can't anybody just give me some words of compassion to help me through it.

And please I don't need any lectures. I just want to believe that I'm not as weak as I feel right now. I have got myself up so many times that I lost count. I always do it on my own. Find the strengh to do it.

I just wish there was somebody to tell me that I will be okay. But tell me in a way that I can beleive it.

2 thoughts on “Simply Everything right now

  1. Anonymous says:

    You’re not weak honey. You are strong. You are strong and caring and a wonderful human being 🙂 it’s gonna be okay. It has to because this is life! Don’t let people take advantage of you, it’s okay to say no. If you ever need someone i’m here. Feel free to count on me

  2. Anonymous says:

    🙂 Thank you, for answering my little call out into the web.

    Here I am 9 days later. And I thought I don’t have to work this week. (Long earned vacation time.) So it will be better. Everybody is preparing for christmas and now we all can have a little break right?

    Beeep – Nope. Today somebody insulted me and practically told me that I am lazy and incompetent. An than three hours later he had the impertinence to ask me to do him a favor!

    That supid ********.

    Uhh, I’m so angry right now. Sometimes I really don’t get why people think, that it’s okay to treat others that way.
    But I really don’t want to sink down to their level.

    On a bright note: I saw Star Wars The Last Jedi today. I really liked it.

    I guess some darkness is in everybody. And we all are tempted now and then to give in. Being able to stay strong and stay true to yourself no matter what others think or do, is something pretty valuable.

    To believe in the goodness in others and to try to inspire others to be good is a gift that not everybody is ready to give or receive.

    Well, I keep fighting. 🙂

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