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Posted by on 2015/07/22 under Uncategorized

I hate myself. I’m not gonna lie, cutting used to help me feel something other than the dull numbness. This was a year ago. I do crave that feeling again. I recently opened up to my boyfriend about this and he was amazing. A shoulder for me to cry on, a stern voice of reason telling me how stupid I am for wanting to cause myself pain. I love him. But recently, we have been arguing. The band I normally flick my wrist with when I’m stressed isn’t helping and I desperately do not want to cut. So sorry for boring you all but my old therapist told me writing stuff down helps and I refuse to tell anyone I know this so anonymity makes me feel safe. Thanks. I still want to f***ing die but oh well. Was worth a try

3 thoughts on “love and hate

  1. EyesOfChaos says:

    you’re not alone or stupid.

    I’ve been dealing with self harm for quite a few years. I’ve been in your shoes.

    just a few tricks:

    -change your mind (read a book, watch a movie etc.)
    -take a dry erase marker (not permanent, crayolla works too) and write on yourself whatever your feeling. the sadness, frustation, etc. that you feel. and go take a shower. take a loofah and scrub everything off. and feel all your emotions leaving you and going down the drain.
    -write everything you feel down on a piece of paper. release all of your emotions and write all you can. then (if you can be safe around fire, if not destroy it in your liking, rip it step on it, bury it, whatever works for you) burn it. watch all your problems go up in smoke and disappear.
    -helping people. sometimes going on this type of website make you feel not so alone. you may find someone with a similar problem and help in whatever way you can.

    there’s plenty more. look up on google and you will find endless things you can do. what works for me is

    if i want to do it i tell myself.

    if i still want to do it in 2 hours (you may start lower if you want) i’ll do it then.

    you continue until you get over the craving.

    and if you end up giving in one day (which hopefully won’t happen) it’s okay.

    you won’t be a faillure. or anything you may think you are.

    it’s like stopping smoking (as an example) cold turkey is hard. It comes with cravings.

    I believe in you <3

    you're not alone. you never will be.

    Stay Strong,
    Eyes Of Chaos

  2. N|Y says:

    love yourself more and look at life in a positive way

  3. Someone says:

    I think you found something that helped delay you for a tiny bit – writing here! So that’s one more to add to the list of options.

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