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Posted by on 2013/09/07 under Uncategorized

I am that girl who watched the happy (fake) couples walk by in their supposed puppy love and thought, ” i can not f***ing wait, til my time comes and its real” Im molly ringwald in 16 candles. a forever person who waits for the RIGHT one, and turns down every guy because they arent on my same wavelength. Im quiet, a downer and a loner, but im smart and i get it, and im this way by choice. I dont want to be like every stupid girl who settles for whoever asks them out, and says ” i love you” on the very first date with a total stranger with antonymous interests. Id rather blast nirvana through my headphones, id rather carry a cd player than an ipod. Id rather NOT have a facebook and bend ith modernizing technology and its swiftly updating social media. I dont like fancy restaurants, or any for that matter, i dont like sea world or disney land or over poulated places. I do LOVE sitting in the park and smoking a blunt, laying in someones lap and staring at the trees . I hate t.v and anything with a screen including computers. I want to go back to the simple times, play it old school. put my skinny ass legs in giant highwaisted pants just to not look like other stupid girls. I like to wear black, not in a scene way, but in a classic punk way, and not punk by the book either. I just find that doing my own thing works so much better. ZI dont want to go to college, i dont want to get a job, I dont want to buy a houseor go shopping every week. I dont want to have kids and i dont want to conform into being a productive member of society. i dont want to keep ties with my parent or anyone from this town for that matter. I JUST WANT ONE THNG. ONE THING ONLY AND NOTHING ELSE. A guy, whos real, and smart (not academically because we all know that doesnt matter) and who wears black but DOESNT wear a misfits jacket because he knows the misfits suck even if they have a cool name. A guy who doesnt count his “blessings” by how many fake friends he has or how much s*** he owns or how many b****es hes f***ed.A guy with mutual worldviews who is skinny (so we match)and will move to the wild with me and help build a log cabin and grow a weed crop and who will have sex in all kinds of really cool places because we will love eachother and not be able to keep our hands off of eachother. A guy with anarchist political views and who will come rescue me from all this baggage.A guy with Vic Fuentes hair, but who likes classic 80-90s punk because he knows thats the s***. A guy who reads this and doesnt see it as desperate but sees it for what it is. A lonely girl whos never had a boyfriend because shes got solid standards that so far everyone has failed to meet. someone that doesnt mind being dragged down to my low pessimistic level because they see how futile life is and how a hard it is to be happy around all the disarray. A guy who likes being poor. Who can make me smile and with a kiss lift all the f***ing burdens ive been carrying for everyone. WHERE ARE YOU WILD MAN!? i will be playing guitar for you at Californias mission beach everyday, until your ass finds me. some f***ing day…

2 thoughts on “i bet you dont fit this criteria. and if you do, be my “catfish” as dumb as it sounds.

  1. IamNobody says:

    This is the most amazing thing i’ve read in my entire life. So beautiful. Find that “Wild man” girl! And if you did, I would like to hear your stories (in details).

  2. retardgirl says:

    teehee, thanks ! (x i havent found him yet, but when i do, you will be the first i tell.cant thank you enough for caring though . i loves it. <3

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