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Posted by on 2019/02/23 under Life

Did you ever wonder how snowflakes are formed? Do you know where the North Pole is and which plants and animals live near it? Do you know how a jet engine works? Do you know what happens to the oceans as the moon moves around the earth? Do you know how air can be used to make work eaiser and how birds fly through the air? Do you know how many times your heart beats each day and how to keep your heart healthy? Do you know the names of the flowers, birds, and insects that you see every day? These questions and many otherscan be answered through a study of science.

Why we study science
It is fun to think about puzzling questions and to try to figure out how thngs work. God made us curious. This is one of many good reasons for studying science. God createdus with minds that are able to learn about Him and His world. He gave us the ability to enjoy His world and to use it wisely. God also gave us a desire to help others. Many scietists have worked for years trying to find ways to help other people. They have thought of ways to prevent or cure disease. They have learned how to make jobs easier. They have found ways to make people comfortable. These are just a few reasons for studying science. Can you think of some others? 1. God made us curious. 2. God gave us good minds. 3. God gave us the ability to enjoy His world and use it wisely. 4. God gave us a desire to help others.

What science is
Science is the study of the wonders if the universe. A scientist is a person who spends time trying to learn about thigs God has made. There is a huge museum in New Zealand that has many displays of animals and birds from all over the world. Above the entrance is a Bible text from job 26: "Lo, these are parts of His ways: but how little a portion is heard of Him!" Even the greatest scietists understand only a small part of the wonderful things God has made.

How do scientists learn?
Scientists learn in the same ways as ither peopel. 1. They look carefully. They observe. 2. They gather information and try to think clearly. 3. They try to make sensible guesses, or hypotheses. 4. They test their hypotheses with experiments to see whether they are correct.

One thought on “1.1 Stop, Look, and Wonder

  1. Day Day says:

    This is very nice. I would like to learn more about this. Could you possibly do another one to show us something else about science.

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