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Posted by on 2018/12/01 under Kids


I hate alcohol. I know it is wrong but it is just such an annoying thing. I think when I found opiates I was just so grateful because then I wouldn't have to hear about alcohol-talk any longer. It is just so annoying. And so abbreviating.

I am glad that I can share this part with you because I am afraid of the alcoholics. They are mean and stingy and only care about themselves.

I only like Opiates Anonymous. No other programs of anonymity matter to me. I am sick to death of alcohol stealing all of my friends, families, lovers and children. It is so destructively wicked and annoying and I have had it. I want all of these alcoholics to stop what they are doing, pay attention to me, and listen to what I have to say. Because I am important and they are not. Alcohol is just a stupid excuse for stupid people to get away with murder and other small and petty crimes. I am sick of people using it as a crutch to commit grotesquereies and sins(???) (is it really meaning missing the mark?)

It has turned my M. into a vile human being and has turned my best friend into a raging drunk and has twisted so many little teen lives into junk. I hope that God can see this drug for what it is. A grotesque example of how idiotic the human condition can be and how there is nothing people won't do to each other. Protect me, God, from the first drink, the first scrap of food and the first snort and the first steal. If I don't trust in God, I will end up in the gutterless gutter like I did before.

Please let me put the faith of God in God. Help me regret myself and help me accept that I cannot do this on my own. I need Gods help. Without God, I am less than nothing. So forth.

Silently Anonymous,

-The Archer

3 thoughts on “Anonymously Necronautical

  1. Anonymous says:

    Mama Earth?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Can trauma ever truly really become funny?

  3. Anonymous says:


    Here is the somewhat something;

    -Momos food (for the cat)

    -Inherent Vice Poster

    -Phone Bill

    (This might be enough God. Stay tuned. If God wants the VEM shirt, I’ll get it for Him. Please talk to Jesus about it. So forth.

    Silently Anonymous,

    -The Archer

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