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Posted by on 2013/11/22 under Uncategorized

I am asking for peoples advise on what I should do. So in school I get bullied by my friends. I shouldn’t really be calling them my friends I guess. SO everyday I am made fun of and it hurts. I come home crying almost everyday and no one cares at all. I can’t take it anymore. I tell them it hurts my feelings but they don’t care. I seriously can’t take this anymore. Adding to that I have no one to talk to about any of this because like I said no one cares enough to ask me what’s wrong and no one cares enough to listen. So yes, I’m asking anyone who reads this advise on what I should do. I can’t deal with this the rest of high school.

2 thoughts on “help please

  1. JustAFriend says:

    Those kids are cowards, and have nothing better to do with their lives, I am so sorry that you have to go through this, however you have to speak up someone will listen, someone has to!!!And if you still feel ignored MAKE THEM LISTEN , they cant ignore you forever.

  2. Anonymous says:

    These don’t sound like true friends, so I think you’re right, maybe you shouldn’t be calling them “friends”, at best they’re jealous of something that makes you unique, special, or “better” than them so they are trying to bring you down, at worst they are using you as a form of entertainment and in that case they just aren’t very good people.

    If you’ve talked to them about it and they say to “stop being so sensitive” then they really don’t care or they just don’t understand. Some people can dish it out and take it and don’t understand why others cant, but it is still their job to respect those around them who may not appreciate being picked at or joked on.

    My advice to you is this (and I warn you it will get worse before it gets better, that’s just the way of things, but you CAN make it to the other side) separate yourself from them. Start finding new groups of people to be around. Join book club, art club, a sports team, chorus, or get a job… SOMETHING to meet new people and get to know people you didn’t know before.

    From there… be yourself. Be completely you and see who accepts you. Those are real friends. Most people find a handful of TRUE friends in their life, but that handful is worth a million of those pretend friends.

    You can do this. It will get better. Separate yourself from the situation. Do not let them break you. Don’t let them shove you in the spotlight and point out your “flaws” just so they can stand in the shadows and hide their own. Whatever they pick on you about… if it’s true… own it! It’s part of who you are and there are no apologies required and no embarrassment in that.

    Someday you’ll be in the spotlight letting all the world see your good qualities and they will want to push you out of the way to show the world theirs. Don’t let them. Find true friends who applaud you and support you and encourage you.

    That was much longer than I meant for it to be, but still… hold on to the good things, it gets better. You can do it.

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