Love Work Family Friends Games Kids Life

Posted by on 2013/09/07 under Uncategorized

I found this website only a few days ago and have already abused the hell out of it. It seems like everyone on here is struggling the same way and are all blind to the same reality. Its funny but sad, and people are so twisted in their own false useless expectations they cant even meet that they arent even worth trying to enlighten because they are just so deep. School, Family, Money, Love life. Those superficial things that society shoved down our throats in the first place are the cause for all this pain and suffering because humans are smart enough to feel the vacancy of these hollow concepts but cant wrap their minds around why. School is a joke, its to keep us controlled and beneficial to the economy. Its not and was never meant to be a cornerstone of life. So obviously the confusion is reasonable but so so dumb and avoidable because all you have to do is realize that its contents and your position in it are artificial and man made. Thats why i lost my only friend, because she kept crawling back to the hands that rejected her. She , like everyone else (and more than half the people on this website) felt like less of a person because she couldnt obtain ranks of the petty standards set in highschool. She had ONE real friend and they had 50 fake ones. Big deal. No reason to cut yourself or beat yourself up or treat me like s*** because im the only one in your presence, and im “holding you back”. Sorry you wanted to feed in and i didnt. Its just sad that she wasnt the only one, and so many people ACTUALLY feel that their “place” in a bureaucracy truly matters . Personally the entire thing was too much to deal with. My life, most importantly, my childhood, the most precious years of existence, wasnt meant to be organized and controlled by some anonymous power. No ones was. It makes my stomach sick. Thats why i work for my useless credits at home, so i could earn a useless diploma and wipe my ass with it. This is only one factor of 4 that i blame for the “issues” in everyones life. Theres still Family, Money and a “love life” . Il get to those in another post considering this one is already long as f***.

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