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Tuesday 28th January 2014

why being faithful(anc) we dnt owe them anything

they play ka poor people all they want from us is that x our vote,now we going 2 vote they can create job hahahahaha. At limpopo a bady fell at a toilet and died the next day our government put toilets why mara we have to be faithful for people who care about money not [..more..]

STW#17234 | 3 Comments | on January 28, 2014 - 8:00 pm - Uncategorized - by

why beng faithful 2 people who care about ther pockets not us (anc)

they play ka poor people all they want from us is that x our vote,now we going 2 vote they can create job hahahahaha. At limpopo a bady fell at a toilet and died the next day our government put toilets why mara we have to be faithful for people who care about money not [..more..]

STW#17233 | Be the First to Comment | on January 28, 2014 - 7:27 pm - Uncategorized - by
Monday 19th March 2012


You really want to know why I don’t like blame? Why I hate it so much when you say it’s “the government keeping you down” or your “bad knees making it hard to exercise, and THAT’S why you’re fat”? You want to know WHY I can’t stand it when you say it’s your parents’ fault [..more..]

STW#4919 | Be the First to Comment | on March 19, 2012 - 6:55 am - Uncategorized - by
Wednesday 29th February 2012


My generation has been f***ed by government. I hope ‘Anonymous’ destroys you all you heartless bastards.

STW#4368 | Be the First to Comment | on February 29, 2012 - 12:56 am - Uncategorized - by