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Posted by on 2015/07/06 under Uncategorized

Yesterday, i was deeply saddened by the news that my favorite teacher was hit by a drunk driver while bicycling home and was killed and was dead on arrival. The driver who hit him not only drove drunk, not only killed a man, but fled the scene of the crime. The driver has been found and was arrested and is going to trial. My school has a memorial for him out front and everyone is urging me to go but i cant. I can not find it in myself to leave my bedroom much less my house. He wasn’t just a teacher to me and my friends, he was our friend, he truly cared for all of us and even the students who hated him and he knew they hated him he would still work so hard with them to try and make them understand it. He stayed for half an hour after school with me once because i didn’t understand something. Everyone is saying that i need to just move on with my life but how can i just keep living my life when he cant. I know that everyone goes through this and my situation is no different and not special but i don’t know it just makes me so upset and i just don’t know how to deal with this. I remember the last thing he said to me was that he was proud of me and that he hopes i have a great summer and that he’ll see me soon but he won’t. I’ll never see him again. I’ll never be able to walk down the school hall and see him and say hello to him. I don’t know how i’ll go back to my school in the fall. Walking through those halls and seeing his classroom but not seeing his bright cheery face, just the thought of it brings me to tears. I looked forward to his class everyday. It made coming to school worth it. I loved him he was like a best friend and now hes just gone. I can not deal with this news, i dont understand how everyone is just over it because i dont think i will ever get over this news.

One thought on “So my teacher died

  1. Laura says:

    I can’t say I understand what you’re going through because losing someone like that must be horrible. you have my deep and utter condolences. But I understand how a teacher can come to be such an important part of your life. They teach you about the world and help you discover who you want to be as a person. I hope that you understand that his death, even though this must sound terrible, will help you grow as a human being as well. His death is an example of how drinking and driving can affect so many people is such a harmful way. I hope that he continues to teach even in his decease that life should be respected and the loss of a life should be mourned and nit run away from without remorse. And that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, because that’s just how life is. I’m so sorry for your loss.

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