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Posted by on 2014/11/12 under Uncategorized

This theory is from a scientific perspective as oppose to a religious one. Let’s get started:

Before you were born you weren’t alive, you didn’t exist. Well… technically you did exist. Your body and consciousness were floating around in the universe somewhere as Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Argon particles… various different components that one day began to accumulate and make you.

So with that in mind, dying is essentially reverting back into that stage. Your body decomposes and all the little particles that made up your body dissipate back into the universe. They will most likely hang around on earth for quite a bit, considering you died there.

Then with this all in mind. It’s possible to say that one day, in the distant future. That the particles that made up your consciousness. That these components may one day drift back together and you may been created again in some form. Now, this may not happen for trillions of years. But if the universe will last forever, and scientists hypothesise that yes, it will. Then as soon as you die, from your perspective, you may be alive again in some different form.

3 thoughts on “Theory on death.

  1. Anonymous says:

    That is some sci-fi freaky s***. I would much rather go to a paradise up in the clouds, but I wouldn’t mind eventual reincarnation as another life form. That is as long as I’m not reincarnated as a potato or something like that.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Your choices in life shape your consciousness and change pathways in your brain. Maybe somehow, something that would determine where, when, what, and how these particles would come into connection again would ALSO be determined somehow by the way they were affected throughout your life. Maybe this could potentially be an atheistic way of describing how you could eventually end up in/on/at heaven.

  3. Anonymous says:

    That’s quite interesting, albeit depressing. Haha.
    But there are many other parts that make a human aside from Nitrogen, Hydrogen and Argon particles (I believe there are six elements?) and the way they would form is a little different because I don’t think we floated around the universe-we were created from an egg cell in our mothers body.
    But I mean, if the flying spaghetti monster religion( Pastafarianism ) can’t be proven wrong, yours can’t either.
    Experiment with that theory. 🙂

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