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Posted by on 2014/11/10 under Uncategorized

Do you ever wonder what it’s like to live. How do people just make friends without a problem and speak their mind. How do people know what to say and express their mind. How can they be so bright and shining yet rotten on the inside at times. Don’t we all have our bright side and our rotten side? How can they hide it so well. We are still good even with that rotten side, right? I don’t understand why it is so difficult for me, scared to talk, i have nothing to say, people avoid me. One day doing so great friends! And then deleted, forgotten. How can people forget their friends or make friends one day the next act as if nothing happened. How can friends ignore you. Are they even friends? Did you know people are nice? I think adults are sometimes blinded by the outer figure of someone. Adults, what does it mean to be one? I feel like a child sometimes… no more like a baby afraid of the world. People are scary, they do things to you even without touching you. Words sure are powerful. They do things to you even without words! Gestures are sure powerful. Isn’t that funny. No not at all. It’s quite sad indeed being stuck as a spectator watching the world pass by. Even in high school a spectator wishing to be seen at least once. That one hand: teachers, friends, family… no one came. Ignored by teachers, friends, and family… no one noticed… no one cared. Am I ugly? When people try to comfort you they say the same things everyone says and it’s not comforting. Mom called me fat and lazy. But I got A’s in class and did my best. No that doesn’t matter. In college and what now? A lost child crying after feeling rejected by people… pathetic isn’t it? No, just lonesome. At least someone noticed but they will forget once the mask is back on, but when will it break again? Will it be broken permanently?

6 thoughts on “What are you afraid of?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Here’s the thing.. Good people meet bad people, feel rejected and cry.. Bad people meet good people, they take out the best parts of you from you and go away, never to return.. The rotten from inside people know very well how to utilise you.. But here’s the good part, when good people meet good people and bad people meet bad people, they are called friends! So don’t you feel rejected, one more bad person in your amazing adventurous life! If you’ve been hit so many times, let it be once more.. Or twice more.. But remember my friend, you WILL meet the right good people who will understand your goodness and value you as much as you deserve! I promise you, you will thank this situation someday.. You will be thankful that you met the rotten people because that’s what paved the way for you to meet the angels and never ever take them for granted. Till then, gear up, get ready, there are so many more idiots for you to handle.. P.S: I don’t know if you’re a girl or a guy, but I don’t think you are fat and lazy.. I think you are cute and HOT;-) bye, all the best.

    1. Anonymous says:

      What? I don’t understand your comment…What makes them rotten? That they suddenly leave? What if they have things going on in their lives and other people are bringing them down-or maybe they don’t want to bring friends down with them so they leave. Saying ‘good people’ and ‘bad people’ is such a black-and-white way of looking at the world. Bad and good exists in everyone, and everything blurs into gray.
      Person who posted this post, don’t look at things with a closed mind. This might sound rude (though I’m not being offensive) but it’s a little selfish to look at it like that. I doubt anyone is making an effort to actually AVOID you. Don’t go looking for ‘good people’, go looking for someone who you think you can handle, who you will accept no matter what baggage they bring with them from the past. People have experienced all sorts of things in life-like you have-and you can’t feel sad that they don’t notice you.You should just try to puzzle in the pieces of their lives before you become dependent on them and consider them friends. You’ll be fine, because one day you’ll meet someone who will let you in and won’t leave. The world is so vast that even if you’re shy, loud, funny, serious-whatever, somewhere, there is someone who will be your friend.

      1. Anonymous says:

        Well that was my comment.. And yeah you are kind of an eye opener(it does feel like you’re being rude sometimes but I know you are saying the truth). It’s not the good or bad thing.. It’s never the good or bad thing. I do agree I have weaknesses that some people won’t accept.. But categorising them as good or bad does help me.. I know I know that’s wrong.. It’s just that being avoided by someone whom you’d never avoid, doesn’t make sense to me.. I hate it. I think I am just hiding my wounds.. I am sorry you had to deal with my stupid comment.. I shouldn’t try to help others in matters where I myself need help. Thanks anyway.

        1. Anonymous says:

          No, I wasn’t trying to be rude-I apologize if it came off like that. In fact, I’ve been through your situation at least three times with very important people. I guess in a way, I was criticizing my past self for ever having that mind set. So the reason why I told you that is because I was the same. I hated myself for being weak and got stronger because of it. I finally realized for myself that those people weren’t ‘bad, or ‘good’;they had their own…shiz to deal with aside form my “But why can’t we be friends? D:” so I thought-accept the friends you can handle. I’ve decided not to sugar coat things (Hence, sounding rude.) because if someone else has the knowledge you need, why should they tell you half the truth so they spare your feelings? But aside from that, I hope you can look at it from all views before deciding if someone is ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Who knows? Maybe your friend is being abused by her parents or whatever, and can’t handle having friends at the moment. Doesn’t make her a ‘bad’ person. Try to get to the bottom of things if you can. Your comment wasn’t stupid, but I had an opinion against it so I stated it. Sorry it came out harsh. I know what it feels like to be in that situation 🙂

          1. Anonymous says:

            Hey.. It’s not that serious.. I know what you were trying to do. I appreciate your honesty! People hardly tell others what they truly feel. Even I didn’t speak out what I truly feel in the first comment. But you did and that makes you very much more stronger.. I don’t have to judge people as good or bad and stuff. In fact I have stopped judging people at all. I have two great friends and a best friend that I love with all my heart. I have been stabbed by so many fake friends that I don’t even try to make new friends now. I don’t let people in my zone. I do understand now that I shouldn’t really be thinking of those people who stabbed me as bad.. I am trying to get over so much.. But still, thanks. You feel much more mature and truthful and honest. I don’t see people like that around me.. So you’re going good. Hope you get a true friend.

  2. Laura from Puerto Rico says:

    I can’t say I know what you’re feeling because, honestly, no one ever does. But I’ll tell you this. If you ever need anyone to talk to just send me and e-mail. I’ll be your friend.

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