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Posted by on 2014/09/30 under Uncategorized

I hate the fact, that everyone else has so little to complain about, but yet they complain about it anyways. Complain about the food not being good enough, or the movie not being good enough, or someone was rude to them that day, or that their parents are “the worst parents ever” for not letting them do the thing they want. And im just sitting here thinking how great it would be to be that happy. I know its not fair to judge other people, and that everyone has their problems, but ive had a huge problem since i was a child, and not just one problem, many. Every day is the hardest day for me, every day it gets worse. Every day i hate my self. I hate everything i do, and everything about me. I know this will not change. So i know everyday its just going to get worse. I know that there is no bright light at the end of my tunnel of darkness. I understand this sounds emo as f***, but i really dont care. I know my problem isnt a tangible thing, there is no solution, and thats the problem. A problem without a solution will never go away. I will be forced to live with this my entire life. A problem that makes life hell will never go away from me. I know that as bad as today was, tomorrow is going to be worse, and that the day after that even worse. I have nothing to look forward to but more pain and suffering. This is not a life i want to live. And even worse then all this, i have no one to talk to about it. Depression has a stigma around it, and its hard to bring it up to anyone. You know once you tell your friend they way you feel, theres no going back. They will never look at you the same, they will never think of you the same. And as it is right now, you need that friendship, cause without it, there is absolutely nothing to be happy over. So if you take the plunge and let them know, theres a chance youre just hurting your self even more. Depression sucks. Everything about it sucks. You isolate yourself, you put yourself in a corner. A corner with only one way out. And the best part, is depression is different for everyone, so no one truly knows what youre going through. Or maybe im wrong. I dont know. All i know is this sucks, and i dont want this life.

One thought on “Depression

  1. cherry says:

    i want to die too. i think depression is different for everyone. I read an account of a depressed artist and although there were a few similarities it didnt seem the same. idk. what is life? i want to die so much. but why am i living?

    good luck…

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