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Posted by on 2014/02/10 under Uncategorized

Life has not changed one bit. I should feel grateful to be part of this world, have friends, have enough money to live, have a good and healthy family and have GOD by my side and yes, everything is enough but life really has not changed one bit. I feel as if.. I was playing a game. We’re in 2014, why is there still racism? Not only against black people, but, asians and just everyone. They’re no.. WE are ALL humans, aren’t we? I mean, you can disagree, but you can’t deny the fact that like you, we are born from a mother who did the pow pow with a guy. We need to eat, we get sick, we cry, we scream, we sleep, we hate or love school, we breathe, we just want to live a happy and normal life. How is skin color or face features describing who you really are? Take me for exemple. I’m a girl, who looks like I can beat everyone up with a finger but no. I hurt and I’m gentle. All I want is feel some warmth! How come in 2014 people still judge by the skin color or whatever? Can’t we live a peaceful life? No matter how much I pray I know this isn’t going to change by just praying. Nelson Mandela is gone, Michael Jackson is gone, Martin Luther King is gone and whoever else marked history who are gone, THEY’RE GONE! Now that they’re not here anymore, we have to make the change! These days, I’ve been crying and I know that I’m not the only one. All the people can do these days is just, talking, judging based on the appearances and not get to KNOW the thing or the person! And it’s irritating! Because we live in this world! Because we have no choice but to bear these things. Because I can’t make that change alone! I know that no one is going to read this, but I hope.. Just a little hope that maybe, ONLY maybe, someone will take my words to heart. I know there’s someone out there who feels the same like me! I know that there’s someone out there who feels like the world HAS to change. Please.. Someone.. Anyone..

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