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Posted by on 2013/07/11 under Uncategorized

I wonder what’s going to happen to us? We love each other and are happy with each other, but the people around us dont want us to be together, I wonder how long we will last? Why did we have to be different religions? I wonder how long before we crack under the pressure and give up on us. I wish I knew the answer. You understand me like no one ever has. What’s going to happen to us? Are we going to be happy for once, or will this end in two broken hearts? I wish I knew the answer. Is this struggle and fight going to be for nothing or is it going be worth it? Will we work out or not is the question? Are we meant too be or not? I wish life for both of us would be better and that we both become happier and we wouldn’t be so sad anymore. There’s so many positive things in life, but somehow I still feel so sad. I know I should appreciate the little things and be happy because of all the positive things in life, but I don’t know why. I have a lot of reasons to be happy, but for some reason, I can’t stay happy for long. I just think about a lot of things and that makes me sad, I know I should stop, but I can’t. I always end up thinking about how much easier it would be to just end it, end it all, the pain, the misery, the suffering. I should be happy right now, I have so many things, but I am just depressed, it’s like I’m in a deep hole and no matter how hard I try, I just can’t seem to be able to get out of this darkness, the only times I see light is when I’m with you becuse you understand me so well and can see through my lies easily. I just wish things would be different and I could see the bright side of life, but somehow I’m unable to see it sometimes, and sometimes like right now, I just wish I could be a happier person and think positively. I just wish there was an answer to all of this, life is getting too overwhelming and confusing right now. All I want to do right now is hold you,comfort you and never let you go. I just wish life went in desired ways instead of otherwise. I really wish I knew the answers, that I knew the right thing to do. I wish I knew how to cure depression, stress, suicidal thoughts, mental illnesses, cancer, evil and other problems. I wish I could help everyone out that by I don’t know, like creating a pill that makes a person feel happier, I just wish I could somehow make other people along th mysel happier. I’m thinking about so many hints right now, and I really wish I can get a glimpse of God right now, my faith and trust has really been diminished and I need some reassurance that this not all in vain, and that there is still someone up there that takes care of humanity, because otherwise with all the s*** that’s going on right now, it’s going to go down.

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