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Posted by on 2013/07/10 under Uncategorized

How many of you have ever felt lonely? Empty? Or feel an aching void in your heart and your soul? These feelings are frightening. This is how I’ve been feeling. And you know what the scariest part about all of it is? I can’t think of one main good reason. I have a family, a boyfriend who cares about me, I have friends, a job, I’m going to school… So what is it? That’s not to say there are no problems in my life. My dad has an incredibly unfortunate life with a disability affecting his ability to work and has been a single man for years and years now, and my sister has sadly disowned our family for a long time drug habit. I mean maybe that’s the underlying cause of my sadness but I can’t help and think about all the other people in this world with far, far larger problems and worse lives than myself. I have no idea how to deal with these emotions of
Mine. I just had my birthday and felt so blessed but here I am today, back to this melancholy mood. I also find myself sometimes turning to drugs and although at the time
It may feel like I just want to let lose and love ping, the longer and longer its been the more worried I feel about my choices. And to add on to the feeling of loneliness., these things I am writing here, anonymously, I couldn’t ever get the guts to reveal my thoughts in all honesty to anybody in my life. In my mind I absolutley know I am blessed for what I have so why doesn’t My heart feel that way as well?

2 thoughts on “Emptiness without a reason

  1. stuckinlife says:

    I am here too, thinking and feeling the same way. That doesn’t really help, I’m afraid. But in a way, finding this post and seeing that other people understand has helped ME. So thank you.
    Sometimes, its genetics to just get down like this, and other times there are underlying reasons, but I know for certain in my case–and it seems yours as well, perhaps–that none of that applies. I just find myself curled in a ball, every now and then, hurting and for no reason. Putting on a mask of normality to get past the social parts of my life, but deep inside feeling so empty and lonely I don’t know how I’m supposed to keep going. But I still do.
    Sorry for the rant 🙂 I hope we both find an answer.

  2. Anonymous says:

    It’s amazing how seeing what you wrote can make
    Me feel so much better.
    Don’t apologize about the rant, what you wrote was extremely helpful as I hope mine was for you 🙂

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