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Posted by on 2013/02/13 under Uncategorized

Thought growing up was about living. now we’re all grown up, and there’s still no sign of living. or what to expect out of “living”. Society frustrated us with expectations, and now we’re just running a rat race and i see no end. am expected to have a life but what does having a life mean? all i do is wake up, get ready, breakfast, chores, work, lunch, work more, coffee break, work more, get home and do my chores, eat, watch tv and sleep. same thing next day. what is a life if not this? constantly expected to make, make, make and make more money, be successful – what the hell is this being successful? is it just the same cycle over and over again, a routine, monotonous life, bending over for everyone, pleasing everyone except yourself. it’s exhausting. want to get married to my fiance but according to this godforsaken indian society you need to have a “job”, you need to have x amount of money, x amount security, your career needs to be over here and then you can settle. hoard of rubbish, by that time, i’ll be old and dead. cycle goes on and on and on. What the f*** is this life? Rather be dead. All i hear is career career this expectation that expectation, this and that and this and that. can’t plan so much into the future that i forget about the present. don’t even know what the f*** is it that I’m doing… forgot to dream, forgot to aspire, forgot forgot forgot.. forgot what it is to laugh.. forgot what it felt like to live… this mystery is never going to unravel itself. just live out this small good for nothing life doing absolutely nothing of any meaning, of any worth, only running this bloody rat race to achieve success… wont even know when i crossed the finish line, and kept on running deeper and deeper into the middle of nowhere. don’t even know to savour the moment when it’s right here.. am i alone in this?

2 thoughts on “what is really “living”?

  1. Anonymous says:

    You are not alone. It is hard to understand what life is all about. And yet… we just keep on living. It is an endless cycle. We live for the memories and the moments, not for the days. And I know that there have been very happy moments in your life, while there have been sad moments. And that is just a part of life. But live in the moment, because that is really what matters. Be with someone you love, start new life and a family. These feelings about life are normal, we all question our existence. And we all know that we die at the end. So make yourself known. Do something amazing and leave a legacy. I promise life is a great thing. Do not take any day for granted because one day, when you are old and sick, you will wish that you lived every day happy. Good Luck, and I wish you a very happy life .xx

  2. Anonymous says:

    i totally understand your feeling, i’m living that same thing now, i don’t understand what life is either anymore, i feel dead on the inside, i don’t feel joy anymore,for some reason though something in me pushes me to keep going and not give up, i’m not sure what or why ,i wish i knew.

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