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Friday 12th June 2015

Alone Forever

Sometimes i think i never going to fine someone.I will always be alone and heak i good looking guy.Yea i aint perfect but how is.Yes i may believe in god but so god is amazing.But there is something in my life i m missing.But i know that’s never going to happen.

STW#28217 | Be the First to Comment | on June 12, 2015 - 11:43 am - Uncategorized - by


Theses days i been counting.To lose track of time.To feel better with everything thats going on.My moms in the hospital.My sister had to leave when she was young.These days i want to give up to die to quite at everything and never live anthor second but then i found god he is my light but [..more..]

STW#28216 | Be the First to Comment | on June 12, 2015 - 11:35 am - Uncategorized - by

Some one I lost very close

When I was 10 or so I lost someone very close to me.To tell you the truth she was my sister.She had a mental breakdown cause of what happen in our childhood.She was only 14 or so when she left me.But some things happen to us when we were little i was a maybe 2 [..more..]

STW#28215 | Be the First to Comment | on June 12, 2015 - 11:28 am - Uncategorized - by
Monday 8th June 2015

Darkness and Light

When there is darkness there is light. The world is dark.And God is light. God is the light to the darkness. For whenever there is darkness there is light. The darkness is the world and us.Which we are bad. While light is God whom shall be good.When the world overcome by darkness. God is there [..more..]

STW#28041 | 1 Comment | on June 8, 2015 - 2:37 am - Uncategorized - by