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Posted by on 2018/12/08 under Kids


It is so hard to not blame people for my problems. Everyone I see seems like a good candidate for attaching all of my problems to them. It feels like I can't control it.

Am I ever going to be quote unquote free?

Broken. Please help me get some clarity, serenity and so forth. I've been babystepping I'm doing the work I'm not a slacker. Check it out I'm in pretty bad shape come on please please please gimme gimme gimme I need I need I need, gimme gimme gimme.

I am in so much pain God.

How the f*** am I going to make it out of here?

I can't seem to get past the din and the clamor.

If I'm already dead then how big a deal could suicide be?

I don't think hell can be much worse than this?

If God sent someone over to shoot my head off or something, I'd be okay with it. If God wants (rape my ass?) I think that's beth talk.

If God wants to kill me what is the best way that I can die more? God what way does God want me to die in?

Dad said Jesus already died so we don't have to get cruicifed or anything so I won't worry about that, unless God wants me to! I'm down to do it if we all like totally need it. I just don't get why I'm here. This is a waste of time.

I don't know if God really cares if I exit this body. I feel like I'm just being harvested. I don't have anything left to give!

I don't know what to do. Nobody can seem to hear me. How does God want me to go? Should I do it like David Wallace? And re-write THE PALE KING?

How do I get there?

Perhpaps once I get there I won't want to kill myself anymore, or what if its all a hoax? His death. If his death is a hoax that must mean that alot of people are covering up that he's not-dead.

(This is annoying.)

(Jusst kill me already.)

(This is a waste of time.)

I wish we could just get over this play and be done with it. Why does it have to drag on for so friggin long!/>!???

Nothing even happens!

Silently Anonymous,

-The Archer

5 thoughts on “Blamers Anonymous

  1. Anonymous says:

    C.L.O.U.D. (Compulsive Love Addiction and Opioid Use Disorder) , so forth.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The seriousness of a situation and what is at stake seems to be the thing that allows people to take a situation to heart. Otherwise they keep trying to entertain themselves into oblivion so they don’t have to face their inauthenticity and terror.

    I am waiting for God to present this seriousness to us and THE FAMILIAR so that this whole edifice of baloney can fall apart and we can finally see for a single moment what is actually going on here. Who is benefitting from this situation? Who is capitalizing on the suffering of certain members of THE FAMILIAR?

    Around one billion seconds of THE FAMILIAR left to be with. I don’t know how to count down from one billion yet. But I am working my way to it.

  3. Anonymous says:


  4. Anonymous says:

    All the things I’ve been doing “today”, I can’t believe they are coming into being. Sort of prophetic type stuff. But then I ask myself, what isn’t prophetic?

  5. Anonymous says:

    The mystic swims where the psychotic drowns.

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