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Posted by on 2015/07/04 under Friends

I have always considered myself to be okay person. I usually try to include people, and I usually go with the flow on just about everything. I don’t mean to sound conceited, but honestly, I’ve always been a pretty easy person to be friends with, I don’t go posting my problems with people I have on social media, or spread them around. If I have problems with people, I will usually write it down or punch a pillow. Although, there are some people in the world, who thrive off the attention of have everyone want to know their problems. My one “friend” especially, we’ll call her “Liz.” I have known Liz for about 5 years, which is a pretty decent amount of time to get to know someone I would say. I became friends with Liz actually through being friends with someone who was friends with her, and we just became friends through that way. Liz has always been a pretty popular person, shes pretty, she plays sports, she has two older sisters, so people usually know her. At school, she and I are both in the same “friend group.” Well, lately she just has been acting really..rude. For instance, she only seems to want to talk to me if it involves a homework assignment, or we are in a group for a project, other than that, she won’t make any effort to have a conversation, unlike the other people in our group. Also, she almost makes it a point to exclude me from things. Such as, she posted a picture on social media,of our whole entire friend group, that I actually took, and cropped me out, actually making the picture really big and awkward, just to make sure that I wasn’t a part of it. Although she has done things like this in the past, it almost seems like this one was by far the worst just because, it didn’t make me mad. No, it made me sad. I know, that sounds lame, but honestly. I didn’t feel that anger that I usually get that makes me feel better once it’s gone. It was like somewhere, deep in my gut, I felt something like an ache. It made me feel like someone had just punched me and then walked really hard then walked away. I just can’t comprehend what the problem is. Like, what gives you the right to put someone down and make them feel less. I just don’t understand why. Also she claims to be a follower of god, but going to church doesn’t make you christian, it’s living a christian life also. I still just don’t understand why me? She has no other problem with anyone in our group, just me. Why?

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