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Posted by on 2015/05/24 under Uncategorized

what would you feel like when you walk into a room full of friends yet you feel like you don’t know them. What would you do if you were the one friend that’s left out of sleep overs and slumber parties? Not knowing what you did wrong to them or why they stopped hanging with you. You keep thinking until you hit the point where you begin letting people pass you. Life just keeps repeating over and over until the point where you just start suspecting that they are using you to gain popularity. Is it even possible to gain any friends. Everyday is the same old thing. They say hey lets hang out, and the next day, they leave your side to have more friends. Turning your back against humanity and living a lie. Faking that smile that gets you past everything that your mind wants to put more thought into. Trying to find the friend that tells you this and says the opposite the next time they talk with someone else. Are they friends or foes I don’t really know anymore. Crying in your bed after seeing that everyone has a place in the world but you. The one person who goes through the hardest things, yet keep her sanity. You find yourself making a place for yourself. creating this whole new world in your brain that contains nothing but you because you cant trust the people around you anymore. “trust is like a piece of paper. once it’s crumbled, it can never be perfect” Lies, Lies, and more LIES. When can anyone tell the truth. Seeing all that you have worked for, crushed in seconds. after that, you just sort of burrow in your own little hole waiting for someone to say that you can feel, that you can freely enjoy life, that you don’t need to hide in a little hole, that you….. belong with them. Even if these imaginations were ever to be true, the pain right now is real. you show one side of yourself to others yet keep the other to yourself, for you will have to bare through it and not show your weakness. Having no one to care, theres no one to worry about you so what are you to do. life is a matter of life or death and I don’t have any more reasons to keep fighting. I lost my friends, my families pride, and myself. I cant seem to understand how people move on soo fast while im stuck here trying to decide who to trust. This has been my life since 4th grade and I have lived like this for years. thinking to myself, will anyone ever find me, will anyone not lie to me and try to fit in with others.

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