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Posted by on 2015/01/26 under Uncategorized

This morning I woke up to my sister sneezing and complaining because she has to go to work. I felt guilty because I’m dying of complications of crohn’s disease and I can barely do anything other than s*** and sleep.
Then it occurred to me. Why am I now living with my sister and added to my stress when I was well? Because she is in the middle of a divorce. Her third. Why is she getting divorced? Because my brother in law discovered she has been cheating for 2 years. They had only been married for one. Why am I sick now? Because in order to pay for her bachelorette party she insisted be an overnight stay AC with VIP bottle service at a club, and an out of state wedding (a state she just chose, nobody lives in), I stupidly put off paying my insurance (I was told there were no penalties for paying late). I also got a liver infection and was out of work for three weeks, and was still recovering when I went to the wedding, 11hrs away which I helped set everything up, I calmed her nerves, helped her get ready, did all of their excursions in the 4 days we were there. Not to mention I had to buy the ugly bridesmaid dress. She never told me, not once, that she was cheating until a month before her husband found out. She didn’t feel guilty. She’s a selfish a******. She knew if she told me I would have pulled out of everything after hearing her wine and complain for 3 years that she wanted to marry her now soon to be ex but he wasn’t proposing soon enough, then a year of hearing her talk about nothing but wedding plans and flashing her ring and acting superior to everyone. And now, tonight, because of the snow, she’s staying at her New boyfriend’s house, not the boyfriend she had while she engaged and married though because he is married as well, but another one, so they can be snowed in together. I also realize that means I’m left to walk her dog in the cold and snow AT least 4 times while I’m 94lbs and half dead. She has a sinus infection.
So I no longer feel guilty about being sick and not being able to pay rent this month. Besides, she always gloats about how much money she makes (over double what I make), so it should be a piece of cake if she isn’t a greedy whore. She wonders why bad things happen to her. Idk, what do you think? She’s 42, watching her 28 year old sister die, cleaning up her messes, taking care of her dog, and she still passive aggressively let’s me know I’m a burden. I used to look up to my sister, and adore her with all my heart. I idolized her in a way. But she’s a f***ing mess. One reason I don’t want to die is because she will turn it into her tragedy in her life. She only asked me to move in with her so I could be her emotional dumping ground and her only friend that can’t leave for at least a year.
The clarity one can have, just waking up, is amazing.

3 thoughts on “Hey big sister, what have you done?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh and she gets her breast implants next month, that she doesn’t need. Guess who has to take her to and from the surgery and nurse her afterward.
    Venting over. I love my sister, but sometimes when I think rationally, I f***ing hate her.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Life is too short to waste it letting people walk all over you. You deserve better. I hope you can find some joy to surround yourself with.

  3. TopHat says:

    Dear doormat/loving sister, whichever you are. Stand your ground when you know she doesn’t need you and help her out when she NEEDs you only. You’ve been with her so long. I’m sure you can see when its crocodile tears and when its just plain drama tears. At 28, you should be planning your future and moving towards it. Not getting stuck in a ditch cleaning up a 40+ mess thats ever growing because you Let it.

    There comes a point in life where the mother slow stops doing laundry for her child and the child learns how to do it on its own. Like breastfeeding.

    You gotta let her grow girl. You can stay around. But know when to take up s*** and when to put your foot down.


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