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Posted by on 2014/05/09 under Uncategorized

Have you ever felt like there was no one on the same page as you? I mean, you have your family and friends, but none of them are quite on the same page as you. They’ve all got their lives, with their people, you’re not the first priority anymore; but you are genuinely happy for them, because they deserve it. You don’t have a significant other, because of, well, because I don’t know.. maybe subconsciously you’ve still got some soul searching to do before you are ready to share your life extensively with another human being. I mean it is great and totally liberating to be a young independent person doing whatever the f*** you want and not having to answer to anyone or depend on anyone. But it can get lonesome. You imagine, “Wow wouldn’t it just be so f***ing cool to have someone I can share my inner most thought about thoughts with, someone who has the same mindset as me. Someone that is on my page. Someone that just understands me without judgment. Someone that challenges me to exceed in life. Someone that just cares about the person that I am and wants to be a part of the person I am becoming. And someone I can do all the same, if not more, for.” So you wait, for that, right moment? Err um, yeah, that right moment. Life is all about timing, the perfect, or not so perfect timing for every single thing we experience.

I am a believer of everything happening in its right time, when it’s truly meant to. When the stars finally align, or whatever. I believe in going with the flow and being aware of the change, and well, just embracing what’s to come and when it does, allowing it to be. But, can we be real, life has a tricky way of sometimes just getting to you. You know, one of those days, you can’t really explain the reason for your sadness, but you feel it to the core; and maybe it’s just temporary.. but maybe it isn’t. I say to sulk in it, truly understand why you are feeling this way, try to root the problem, if possible (my mind tends to be an endless whirlpool of thought after thought resulting in forgetting my original thought that started it all). “I’ve got a war in my mind,” is right, Lana. But please remember to always find your way out of this darkness. Whether it be, listening to music, looking up inspirational quotes on Pinterest (yes, I do this), going for a walk at sunset, taking a drive by the coast, you get the point. Find the pleasure in the simple things, they create the most everlasting memories. There’s so much more I want to say, but I will leave that for another post. I feel better now, writing it out really helped.

Trust your struggle, you will always come out stronger and a better person. Be aware and pay attention to your surroundings. Eliminate the toxic relationships. Love yourself. Do better. Be better. Expect nothing.

One thought on “When is the right moment?

  1. A says:


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