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Posted by on 2013/04/16 under Uncategorized

Okay so I’m 13. I’ve heard a lot of people complain about the younger generations (such as mine) being ungrateful and not knowing hardship. Not to mention that we appeartently complain constantly. Well first off, yeah you meet those whiny f***ing brats that I have to attend school with on occasion, but then you also have those wonderful kind souls that wouldn’t hurt a fly. So naturally, just because I just stated that we aren’t all whiny brats. I now need to refute that by b****ing paragraph form for quite some time. If it makes you feel any better, I think I’ve earned the right to b**** a hell a of a lot more than I actually take advantage of.

Okay guys lets start with reccent s***, I’m not in the mood to rehash crap that happened when I was four. So last Friday I got asked out by a boy I have liked for around three monnths now. I was beyond excited, I was in a state of euphoria all day. Including that weekend, I drempt of him, twice. Right now it’s Monday, and he’s hurting because he wreaked him Dirt bike. I’m naturally wish I could say a magic word and make it better (If only). Anyway other that we were so far so good. Our teacher decided we shouild move seats. We were sitting beside each other so I was kinda disappointed, he was too. Until the teacher literally put us right back beside each other, along with one of our other mutual friends. First block is Social studies, so we are bored out of our mind. We both different kinds of candy from the teach to eat in class. So I’m sitting there picking out the red, and purple skittles, when I get hit by this flying purple eraser. He had thrown it at me so I flicked it back. We ended up spending most of Social Studies hitting each other with the small purple eraser. The teacher never said anything or even noticed I don’t think.

Then the bell rings and we leave class. His locker is one up and one over from mine. He gets his tuff and walks off to math. I grab my english books and go to English. English is pretty boring, we sing happy birthday, and then get on with the boring pre TCAP s***. Skip the rest of the boring english class and focus on more boyfriend moments.

Alright, so it’s thrid block Science, another class with him yey! We’ve been growing plant for like two weeks, and his watermelon seeds finally sprouted today, he was so happy. I wanted to hug him, but I’m don’t want to freak him out. But I would like to be able to touch him in a general non=sexual manner without feeling akaward. Help? Anywhoo my teacher in science has this floppy purple disk thing that she throws and then expects you to answer what ever it is she asks. One of the people that had and was going to throw it back, nearly hit him. I could tell it hurt him to doge it from where he had the dirt bike accident, and I could have ripped the b****’s face off. Anyway, in science we threw my braclet back and forth when the teach wasn’t looking( my science teacher would have said something). Then we got back a test. He seemed kind down cause I made a 95 and he made an 88, so I tried to cheer him up about that. Then we get to lunch and sit beside each other, like we always do (even before we were dating) and one of our friends won’t talk to him. Sh’e pissed at him, but not at me, so I’m trying to figure what he might have done. He doesn’t know what he might have done, so we sitting there confused until I pry her reason for being pissed out of her. She said that since me and him started liking each other, that we were really mean to my other friend that sits with us. I openly admit that I do my best to keep a reputation of being a b**** at my school, things are so much easier. But I never intentionally try to hurt people, not without them doing some serious damage to me or mine first. I was shocked, so I apologized and told her to just tell me to shut the f*** up.

I think this came from the last week. I was mad at my friend because she was acting stuck up, so I told her so. then she said some things that kind of upset me, and he (being the wonderful southern gentleman manners raised boy that he is) defended me. Well that went over like vodka in the punch at jr high prom. So the two girls are pissed at me and him. my mom says chicks over d***s, but honestly they are just being b****es. I apologized, and anyone who knows me at all, knows that I do not apologize often.

On to a new topic, the school has around abouts three hours a day where it’s pretty much free time. He spends in one of the following places, art, gym, library, computer, study hall. While I only go to art and computer. I work in the library as an aid so I’m in there a lot. I want to spend mroe time with him, but at the same time I don’t want to make him feel like I need him tied to my hip to make me happy. Help?

ohh and any advice about how to go about touching him (holding hands, arms over shoulder, hug ect) is wanted.

One thought on “Opinions are welcome, if you feel like reading through my crappy problems.

  1. Anonymous says:

    No offensive, but all older generations treat the youngest generation like crap. It’s been like that sense the begging of time. It’s also a way of growing up, (shows you who’s boss.)Your generation has the exact same amount of people who are rude, stupid, weird, nice, caring, smart, and ect. like all the rest of generations. The only difference is that you might have some different ways of showing it, and your younger than us.

    As for the guy who you wanted to hug but in a non sexual manner I suggest you just hug him… loosely, (if you are close enough to him.) If you aren’t just give him a high five instead. As for you to be more with your boyfriend just invite him over. If he doesn’t want to hang out at your place ask if you could go dirt biking with him. I know what you are thinking, dirt biking? Are you crazy? I barly know how to ride a bike. Trust me, if go out of your way to do something that he enjoys with him he will think your the best girlfriend ever.

    Oh and one las thing I want to tell you please don’t go around making enemy’s. I know people can be mean in middle school, and being mean middle school will work, but when you get to high school it might very well bite you in the butt. Everyone, including the poeple who are older than you will know you as the mean girl and trust me you don’t want to be that girl. You get so much drama and the older mean girls will treat you as a slave, or worse. If someone is doing something that you don’t like then just walk away or just don’t say anything back. By the way don’t cuss so much you sound immature and a brat. (Not to be mean just letting you know.) Hope this helped.

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