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Thursday 22nd May 2014

tea party

Penis Envy and the American “Tea Party”: Most of us whites already know why a certain segment of our white population; i.e. hateful white conservatives, hate blacks: they are threatened by them. Every single black-hating male white conservative is hatefull to them because they feel sexually inferior themselves, and they have heard that blacks have [..more..]

STW#19199 | 1 Comment | on May 22, 2014 - 8:56 am - Uncategorized - by
Wednesday 7th November 2012

Mother F#ckin Politics…

I’m going to apologize to anyone whom I may offend in this post…. Like what the f*** man. Why just why? Obama making a victory speech before all the votes are in… and it’s so sad that people don’t see any of his bad side. They only hear on the news ,vote Obama, he’s awesome. [..more..]

STW#9818 | 2 Comments | on November 7, 2012 - 5:42 pm - Uncategorized - by