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Sunday 26th February 2012


I’m sick and tired of being too nerdy to be a nerd. I don’t play videogames. I’ve never seen Star Trek. I failed my last math test. But I’m too much of a nerd to be cool. I hate that you have to be into pokemon or anime or wear glasses to be considered a [..more..]

STW#4312 | Be the First to Comment | on February 26, 2012 - 7:19 pm - Uncategorized - by


sometime feel like I have noone to join in a conversation about video games or matters that others might find too “geek” ish. Why is that so? Is it so hard to find someone into learning elven and playing l.o.l or skyrim?

STW#4304 | 1 Comment | on February 26, 2012 - 3:16 am - Games - by