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Posted by on 2015/03/04 under Uncategorized

GROW UP! When you go to a theme park, chill the f*** out… I can’t stand how rude guests are… it’s not our fault that your child isn’t tall enough to ride, maybe you should have checked the height requirements before coming to the park… you’re pissed that your purse has to go into the locker that DOES LOCK, and only opens to YOUR fingerprint? Guess you’re not going on the ride, then… today, some woman complained that we should have better “fast passes”, well maybe you shouldn’t have put them in your WET pocket… as front line employees, we don’t make the rules, we just enforce them, so chill the f*** out, and don’t yell at us for doing our job, we don’t get paid enough to deal with you… maybe if you’d listen to the employees, you would avoid any issues you may have… and it’s not hard to read PICTURE SIGNS… I’m pretty sure that a picture of a purse and backpack with a giant red X through it means that YOUR bag canNOT go on the ride… yea, YOUR bag… Yea, that means YOUR purse… Yea, that means the one right there that you are wearing… THEY ARE PICTURES: YOU ARE NOT EXEMPT FROM THE RULES because you think you are special! A Theme park is a shared experience, and if it takes an extra minute to deal with a guest, get over it… O, you have a special pass and are complaining that you have to wait? OTHER PEOPLE HAVE BOUGHT THE PASS, TOO! You’re not the only ones! You’re NOT SPECIAL!

There are days when I HATE my job and days when I love it… today was one of those days where I hate it… we DO have signs at the front that say no bags, and even use PICTURE, and yea we have signs directing you to the correct line, and a person standing out there to make sure you go down the correct line, so don’t tell me that we don’t have signs — we have at least 7…

I can’t stand you people… just listen to the employees and follow the rules of the f***ing park — we don’t make them, we enforce them…

do you homework before you come to a park… get over yourself… it’s not my fault you didn’t think ahead…

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