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Posted by on 2015/01/31 under Uncategorized

I don’t know how I became stupid or in need of affection?! Life is simpler without ties. I have been bitten once but it was not enough. Stupid as I am, I fell for a guy again. Why do I have to give all of myself when I don’t receive not even 1% of what I give. Is it too much to ask for love in return. Is something bad with me, am I not good enough? What’s the issue? I feel like sheet. I am fed up of giving love and everything and not gain anything in return. I deserve much better from life. I am so miserable right now that I may do something stupid. I want to break my engagement and break all ties to go far away where I know no one and nobody knows me. Even, this won’t be possible as I am broke lol. I pray, I beg God to make life better everyday. I don’t know whether i have sin to much and that God do not want to forgive me. I feel so ugly.

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