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Wednesday 12th November 2014


I’m just wondering what you’re thinking at this point. Where we both stand and how you feel about us. You’re probably so much happier without me, like usual. I cannot get you off my mind. There’s always the doubt that there has always been someone else, and I feel it in my gut that there [..more..]

STW#22527 | Be the First to Comment | on November 12, 2014 - 9:15 am - Uncategorized - by
Tuesday 11th November 2014


You told me to not worry about her. You told me it would never happen. It did. You promised me. You say you loved me. I was always the second choice, the replacement, and it will always be like that. How could you walk around all day passing me by like I’m nothing? You begged [..more..]

STW#22506 | Be the First to Comment | on November 11, 2014 - 3:34 pm - Uncategorized - by