Love Work Family Friends Games Kids Life
Wednesday 15th April 2015


A piece of the night was brought into the light, where it cast a shadow that did not seem right…  And a piece of the light was  brought into the night, where it cast a shadow on everything right…  But the light and the night not knowing their crime, remained together until the end of [..more..]

STW#26240 | Be the First to Comment | on April 15, 2015 - 5:13 pm - Uncategorized - by

Choices Lost

Standing on the precipice Wind blowing on my face Looking out at my surroundings Unfamiliar with this place… The beauty I expected Is filled by my own tears My hopes now lay rejected Leaving me with only fears… Standing still not an option A path I must now choose But the path that’s in my [..more..]

STW#26239 | Be the First to Comment | on April 15, 2015 - 5:11 pm - Uncategorized - by