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Posted by on 2015/05/30 under Uncategorized

i tired of my life … i tired of everthing …
i meet this guy and at the start i didint like him at all he was a stupid boy but then we start talk and he start to make me feel special and we kiss and then i start to think about him all the time then i was sure that i liked him , one day i went to meet him in his house and something really special happent then for what i feel i was sure i was in love with him … we meet again and again but then onde day everthing turn wrong he start to act weird and i didint want to lose him i dont everthing i could i send him texts i ask him why then question start to came to my head …. 🙁 was i good enought , did i do something wrong …. its been 1 month that we dont talk and i miss him so much and i love him so much

One thought on “:(

  1. emily says:

    Ok you prbably dont want to hear this but I like to help people so thats why I answer this post so here it goes he probably just wanted that special thing and thast it that was never happend to me but ive heard it a lot so maybe Im wrong but trust me life goes on maybe youll meet someone else maybe you want to be gay or what ever you know so for now all you can do is eat a bottle of nuttela or ice cream and then eat only salad for a week cause you dont want to be ugle you need to take care of you obiosly and trust me in a few years youll think back and maybe lagh or maybe just dont care at all anyway good luck and be the best you can be.

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