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Posted by on 2015/01/24 under Uncategorized

I sseem happy, friendly caring and so on. But inside I’m struggling every single day I fight myself to stay sane and not just give up, what’s the point ? My whole life ev th good thing had turned to S*** nothing good lasts for me and not to mention people continually abandon me and. Leave me feeling broken and like there is something wrong with me. What did I ever do to deserve this hurt. I’m good kind person, if I’ve learnt anything in life it’s that that doesn’t make you happy. My life has been good for a year know, I mean good by my standards, I have a house a loving partner a stable job, granted we just moved in and there has been depression and anxiety problems and money issues and we may have to move again but that’s the best my life has ever been, 50% of my ex’s cheated, so I finally get the most amazing guy who is.genuinely a nice guy and I’m paranoid that he’s pretending to love me, who knows what for and tha he’s cheating.

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