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Posted by on 2014/12/27 under Uncategorized

What is it with people and their obsession with dating and sex? I’m asexual. It’s not a secret and when someone asks why I don’t date I’m always honest about it. But they just seem to be incapable of understanding the concept of not feeling sexual attraction and acting upon it. It’s driving me mad! Half of my friends think that I’m just waiting for “Mr. Right” and the other half believes that I just don’t do relationships, but secretly sleep with every willing guy.

I just don’t understand why is sex so important? Apart from procreation purposes of course. Maybe it is an “expression of love” for a small portion of population, but what about the rest? Okay, so it gives pleasure (for most people), but so does eating chocolate! And when someone says that they don’t like chocolate, people don’t look at them like they’re not normal or feel the need to justify it for them. I just don’t get it…

I don’t know, maybe I just need some new friends who don’t think that their way of seeing and understanding things is the only right way…

One thought on “Sex?

  1. Anonymous says:

    Sex is great just gotta try it

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