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Posted by on 2014/10/03 under Uncategorized

I feel like i’m at a standstill in my life. I’m stuck in limbo. I feel like I am right on the edge of something great about to happen. But when I don’t see any signs of it really coming to life it feels like a trick and I lose all momentum to perform at my fullest. I don’t have any friends here and I certainly do not have the closeness I used to have with anyone. All my friends have moved away. We called each other our soulmates and yes we talk all the time, but it is not the same. I cry. I hate my body. It’s too humid where I live. I just feel like everything is wrong all of the time. And I’m terrified I’m never going to make any of my dreams happen or that I am never going to find the a way back to my happy self.

I’m scared.

How do you know if you’re on a path that has meaning or if it’s all over and you should accept the way things are?

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