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Posted by on 2014/01/26 under Uncategorized

i know many people say that their ex boyfriends are horrible and they ruined your life but this time, with my experience anyways it really seemed like he ruined my life. let me start from the beginning. it was just another boring weekend till i got a message on Facebook, it was from someone i didn’t know but i thought hey why not see who it was. i looked at it and it was a guy i never met, not like one of the old weird guys that wanna try and be your daddy but a nice cute guy which was a big shocker. we started talking on Facebook and i guess that’s where it happened, soon we started to talk on the phone and kik and more till one night, out of the blue he called me, he was acting pretty strange but i ignored it because he was with his friends. we were just talking till he got serious and i was a little worried and he asked me out right there, well of course i said yes because i did like him and he seemed pretty sweet to me. the only problem was that he was a little older then me, only 2 years though. we started to become close and we finally hung out and everything was just like those fairy tails that are so romantic, till one night. the night i probably regret the most. it was a Saturday night, i was home alone and i got a message from a girl on Facebook asking me if i was dating him. so of course i said yes because it was true and i was pretty proud to call him mine but then it back fired. she messaged back saying that she was dating him and that i wasn’t, i called him right away and found out it was true. he cheated on you would think most girls would just leave him but i couldn’t, she broke up with him and he went back to me and guess what my stupid self let him back in. So a month goes by and he cheated on me again but this time was bad. He made fun of me because i cut myself, he called me a fat pig, he said he never loved me, it was things that i would of never though of him saying. finally they broke up and guess what i did. i let him back in again. He didn’t cheat for about 2 weeks but he laid it on me that hes going to military school in a month, as upset as i was i kind of thought maybe this is good for him maybe he will straighten up. When he finally left it was hard at first but as the days went on it got better and better and 5 months flew right by. He came home on December 14th and yes we were still together, but not for long. He ended up telling me that we needed to break up because he needed to get his life straight out before he can have a girlfriend but then got girlfriend a hour later! I was heartbroken, I cut I don’t remember how many times and let me tell you, that fight we had he told me to kill myself. to this day, he still beats me up over it. he still messes with me. He still tells me to kill myself and i have nothing to get away from it. Its like hes the people that go to your door for advertisement and wont stop till you fall in, till you go for it but hey i only broke once, i only let him once and it wont happen again. most girls say their ex boyfriend is the worst but i guess they never met mine.

3 thoughts on “him.

  1. Anonymous says:

    once a cheater, always a cheater, not all guys are like that, but some guys are just f***ing a******s, you deserve so much better, just forget about that motherf***er and move on

  2. Anonymous says:

    That was molesting in a way,what a jerk,you deserve much better,forget about him period,and if he comes back shoot him in a foot!

  3. DearDiary says:

    I’m sure he’s going to come back, because he knows that you wont say no. But if he does, don’t give him another chance. He’s not worth it. And please don’t cut, you’re worth it trust me. And someday you will find a guy that will truly love you; and won’t cheat on you. Like I know how it feels to be cheated on. But you have to fight through it, no one is worth your tears. Stay strong x

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