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Posted by on 2013/11/09 under Uncategorized

There’s nothing more perfect than him. He lights up my day every time I speak to him, or we see each other. Problem is, I don’t have him. We talk almost everyday, we’re exactly the same, all the same opinions, same ideas, same maturity, same intelligence, same sense of humour. He’s perfect. There’s no one in the world I would rather have an intelligent conversation with than him. He tells me, we’re the same, he tells me, our conversations are the most intelligent ones he’s had with girl around here, he tells me, he loves me. Everyday he crosses my mind, almost every hour and I hope I do the same to him. He’s tall, hes got amazing hazel and green eyes, he’s got black hair, the best I’ve seen. All I’m doing is writing about him, to pour my feelings onto a site of strangers. All I could ever want in the world is him. Him. Him.

I’m 15, I know I would and will be criticized and slandered for saying I’m in love. But I know I’m something close to it.

One thought on “Him.

  1. Anon. says:

    I’m the one who wrote this. I honestly forgot to add, that I would do anything for him to hold me in his arms, to kiss and to love him, as much as I hope he loves me. I don’t want him, I need him.

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